“it was her plot as much as mine” [ABBE]
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From the realm of conjecture: what if the star-crossed lovers in "The Adventure of Abbey Grange" and "The Problem of Thor Bridge" weren't simply victims of circumstance? What if the damsels in distress weren't being unfairly persecuted?
That is, what if they plotted the demise of the hated member of their love triangle and were able to fool Sherlock Holmes? It's just a Trifle.
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Links / Notes
- This episode: ihose.co/trifles248
- Inspired by Bob Byrnes' work in Baker Street Essays, Vol 1 No. 1 and Vol II No. 1.
- Previous episodes mentioned:
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- Email us at trifles @ ihearofsherlock.com
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Music credits
Performers: Uncredited violinist, US Marine Chamber Orchestra
Publisher Info.: Washington, DC: United States Marine Band
Copyright: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0