Wednesday, May 26, 2021

“That is very fortunate” [SCAN]  

Sherlock Holmes didn't believe in superstition, the supernatural, or random guesses. He was a detective who dealt in facts and data.

And yet, the canon of Sherlock Holmes stories is littered with coincidences (happy or otherwise) and instances of luck. How did these play into the stories and Holmes's ability to solve them? It's just a Trifle. 

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Music credits

Performers: Uncredited violinist, US Marine Chamber Orchestra
Publisher Info.: Washington, DC: United States Marine Band


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

“the whole story concerning the politician, the lighthouse, and the trained cormorant” [VEIL]  

Image credit: Cormorant, from the Game Birds series (N40) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes, 1888-90 (Metropolitan Museum, Public Domain CC0)

There is one scant mention of a cormorant in the Sherlock Holmes stories — in one of Watson's enticing throwaway lines of a case which we'll never read. In "The Veiled Lodger," he tells us about the case involving a trained cormorant that might be revealed to the public.

But what is a cormorant? Can it really be trained? It's the third week of the month, and that means we discuss exotic animals in the Canon. It's just a Trifle. 

Download | 9.4 MB, 19:37

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And please consider supporting our efforts through Patreon or PayPal.

Links / Notes


Music credits

Performers: Uncredited violinist, US Marine Chamber Orchestra
Publisher Info.: Washington, DC: United States Marine Band


Wednesday, May 12, 2021

“I stooped to the eyepiece and focussed for my vision.” [SHOS]  

Given Arthur Conan Doyle's training in the field of eye medicine, it's no surprise that we find a number of Sherlock Holmes characters who wear glasses.

In fact, an entire story is named after a set of eyewear. Who were some of the bespectacled band in the Sherlock Holmes stories? It's just a Trifle. 

Download | 11.4 MB, 21:47

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And please consider supporting our efforts through Patreon or PayPal.

Links / Notes


Music credits

Performers: Uncredited violinist, US Marine Chamber Orchestra
Publisher Info.: Washington, DC: United States Marine Band


Wednesday, May 5, 2021

“the sending of general messages” [VALL]   

Sherlock Holmes was an inveterate message sender and receiver. The many notes, letters, telegrams, cryptogram, and other forms of communication that passed by his view made for key clues in some cases.

We wondered how things might have turned out differently in certain cases if the frequency of messages were different. And how, in certain cases, Holmes duped the messengers. It's just a Trifle. 

Download | 12 MB, 24:47

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And please consider supporting our efforts through Patreon or PayPal.

Links / Notes


Music credits

Performers: Uncredited violinist, US Marine Chamber Orchestra
Publisher Info.: Washington, DC: United States Marine Band


Our Team

Scott Monty and Burt Wolder are both members of the Baker Street Irregulars, the literary society dedicated to Sherlock Holmes. They have co-hosted the popular show I Hear of Everywhere since June 2007.

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